Giuseppe Woodworks was founded on a family tradition of artistic and creative design. In 1925 in New York City, Italian immigrant Giuseppe Ranucci claimed a patent on “...a new, original, and ornamental Design for Macaroni or Similar Article…”
Giuseppe invented the first ornate design for macaroni.
Owing to a sense of family pride, generations of Ranucci’s have produced artists, designers, architects, and engineers. Continuing that tradition, Giuseppe’s grandson – Paul Giuseppe Ranucci, has created furniture uncommon to styles built today. A craftsman with over 45 years of experience, Paul designs wooden furniture with hidden compartments, and unique character.
Paul has created many types and styles of furniture. With amazing detail and creativity, he is able to incorporate removable panels and spring-loaded hidden drawers in pieces of your choosing, and with trigger mechanisms from his or your own imagination. Feel safe that, within your own home or office, an innocent looking piece of furniture conceals important documents, your passport, jewelry, or even money – they will remain…a well kept secret!
Additionally, Paul is skilled at re-modeling old furniture, giving it an entire new purpose, look and function.
Giuseppe Woodworks has discovered that these unique pieces of furniture are becoming increasingly popular as many people are seeking new ways to safely store valuables at home, or create family keepsakes.

Giuseppe Ranucci (top right)
Giuseppe and Irena Ranucci
Proof of patent - ornamental pasta